
Welcome to Keeping It Moving in Retirement

Welcome to my blogging page.  This is where I love to write and share my fictional Romance stories.  These romance stories are created by me and are just here for one to enjoy.  Sometimes in life, we become overwhelmed with issues we are going through.  Our health, death of a loved one, problems on the job, we all have things we are dealing with.  As an avid reader and I find escaping to reading a book, romance my favorite, but also I love a variety of murder mysteries, thrillers. So I decided to share my stories and provide a fun place for one to come and just relax and take the mind away from all the unpleasant things in life.  Look at it as a happy hour. So pull up a chair, get a glass of wine, a drink of your choice and just enjoy!!!!! Look forward to having you join me. Elle

Embracing the Old Year and Entering the New

HAPPY NEW YEAR!    I had a wonderful Christmas ,I can honestly say I truly enjoyed it.  I attended a lot of the festivities that were held here in St. Croix, and enjoyed each and everyone of them.  I even challenged myself a little and did something that I normally would not have done, but it was fun and it made me realize I need, to challenge myself more.    Just because I am getting older, does not mean that I cannot keep on doing things that I want to do. Does not mean I  have to just sit back grow old.  Life is to live, take the good times, along with the bad times, but live.    I am not making any New Years Resolution's.  I decided I am just going to continue doing what I love to do, challenge myself more, and continue being me. I will work on doing things better, and improve myself, as I am always a work in progress.     Taking risks and  myself takes me deeper into exploring what the Universe has open for me. There are new experiences and possibilities that will exc

My Own Spa Treatment

For the last couple of years I have been making my own handmade soaps.  Nope, it is nothing passed down to me by my Mom, or grandmother.  It started out as a hobby, and I have just continued to do.  I find that there are so many soaps out there and a lot of hidden ingredients and toxins. So now I use most of my own handmade and they are not that bad either. I have taken to selling to our very own , and of course I have a few loyal customers around the Island. My Lemongrass soap, is a for men and women, they seem to like a lot.  You know lemongrass grows wild here in St. Croix, and I use my own essential lemongrass oil for fragrance. Then there is my Peppermint soap, a wake me up soap, with peppermint essential oil, and a little of our homegrown mint. The Lavender soap is also calming, and relaxing, good for a nice shower, after a long hectic day at work.  The Oatmeal Soap which is another great seller is good for the over all body, but some use it on their face.  

Over Coming The Holiday Blues

Can you imagine, the holidays are upon us.  Next week is Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.  As always the stores and now TV commercials are advertising for Christmas already.  They express, joy and happiness, but not everyone feels the joyfulness of the season. The holiday season can be a joyful time for some, but for others it can be a time when unwelcome feelings, of depression, stress comes about.  We think on love ones who have died, sickness, and just getting through tragic moments in our life, life it self. I can relate to these feelings, just losing both my parents with five months of each other.  But reality life goes on.  I just wanted to share some coping tips, that have worked for me. 1. Do not be afraid to acknowledge your feelings. Realize that it is normal to feel sad.  Cry, and talk about your feelings, share how you feel with a close friend, or relative that understands. Sometimes talking to someone who has experience the same as you, is even better.  They understand

Summer's Vacation Ends

Well the Diva In The Caribbean is back! This past summer I have to say was a time for me to really sit back and relax.  I did some writing, traveling, kept up with Zumba, and now ready to explore some more events of our beautiful Caribbean Island of St. Croix. This past weekend end it was Aqua Zumba at the beautiful hotel resort Sand Castle On the Beach. .  Zumba Instructor Soni Felix, along with Zumba Instructor Evelyn Pena Felix, held their first Aqua Zumba Class.  It was great, we all had a wonderful time and are awaiting our next Aqua Zumba class.  These Divas not only provide Aqua Zumba, but they have regular Zumba classes each week at different locations on Island..  So if your visiting, and need to get a little extra exercise in you will enjoy their classes. The classes are always fun, you get a good work out. Call  340-277-9263 or 340-277-6472 to find out what is happening with Zumba. Before I forget these ladies hosted "Party I

The Importance To Support Our Local Community

Last month I tried my hand at acting.  Not that I am a actress or want to be, but I thought it would be fun, and also taking a active part in community involvement.  I met a cast of wonderful performers, who have been acting in community plays, and choreographers,  who  along with the Director have been doing this for years.  I came away with a profound respect to the cast, and all as a whole. As a person who loves the Arts, Theater, writing for me is my passion.  As I was preparing to learn my parts for the play, a few thoughts entered my mind, as to why it is important to support our local community. Many successful actors, directors, writers and choreographers have started their careers in performing, and writing for small town plays.  It brings entertainment to the community, providing  the community with enjoyment.  With the community attending the shows, and applauding gives the upcoming stars the positive feedback they need to continue their artistic pursuits.  Our young men a

Getting Involved In Your Community

Living on a beautiful Island such as St. Croix, we are not just proud of the beauty of the Island, but we are proud of our culture, and our people.  Recently I attended some wonderful community events, The Donkey Races, Mango Melee, Jazz and Reggae Music in the Park.  All of these events were done by local organizations.  All family friendly events which I had a wonderful time.  Of course you are never going to please people all the time, so you just have to ignore the negative comments, and learn to move past it.  It is usually the ones who do not participate or contribute, that makes the most negative remarks.     Getting involved in community work, has a lot of benefits.  It is not just helping the environment, or worthy causes, but it is a form of giving back to your community.  Sharing your passion of the Arts, or being a activist, joining a non-profit organization, you are just not sharing your time, but you are sharing your talents and knowledge as well.  Others can benefit fro